Imbak para sa The DailyTribune

FIrst day without Otep, doomsday for the Tribune

Posted in Gulo ng buhay with tags , , , , , , on Hulyo 25, 2011 by Blue Dela Kanluran

Our lay-outer and prominent blogger Otep Zablan submitted his resignation letter earlier this month and serviced his last day on duty last Friday. Little did we know that this would also spell an imminent and sudden crippling blow to the Advertising Department of the Daily Tribune.

For the last half year we had absorbed one of our former OJT’s to replace another lay0-outer who resigned before the end of 2010. He is known throughout the blogosphere as the Chaster blogger Ravenash. From even before his graduation in March up to the present Otep rigorously trained him in the arts of lay-outing advertisements for the paper.

But on the first day after Otep left Ravenash sent an e-mail to the Daily Tribune saying that he has also resigned and will not be reporting for work anymore. This now leaves the Department with a dilemma that we now have NO lay-outers.

We’re stuck at sea, or high in the air (or whatever else expression you want to use) about this predicament. It doesn’t matter how many ads we pull in if we can’t put them on paper. Which we who are left find unnecessary and irritating on the brink of inspiring murder.

Seriously how unprofessional can you get? You know you’re the only one that’s gonna be left to do the job and no one else will be able to do it so what the flying fuck are you doing suddenly bailing out on us like that?! I would gladly do it myself but I haven’t spent the last five and a half months training to lay-out advertisements, unlike you.

I mean holy shit man. You’ve been doing an alright job for the last few weeks, seriously what the fuck! You’ve placed an enormous burden on our bosses, your co-workers, and even on Otep who isn’t even affiliated with us anymore because he’s the only one we can turn to at the moment.

You could have at least done this with a little more warning than an out-of-the-blue e-mail. You literally shot us in the back with our hands in the air. You’ve abandoned your post with as little dignity as humanly possible.

If this entry sounds harsh or offensive he deserves every filthy word of it (a large majority of curse words omitted for younger readers). It represents all the bitter sentiments your co-workers now feel for you and your unprofessional attitude and abandonment. I mentored you last year and I told you that you could do the tasks assigned you and that you were the only one putting yourself down (hell, even Jay said you could do it). But if I could give just one last piece of advice, don’t list any of us as references if you try to apply for work elsewhere, I guarantee they’ll hear nothing good from us.